We strive to provide a haven for improvement of mind, body & soul while enriching the lives of our students and reminding them to have compassion for one another and to have a passion for everything that they do.
Our students learn many lessons, and from our 4 year olds on up, they can tell you what speaks louder than words and what the Golden Rule is. Whether the glass is half-full or half-empty, our students understand that it is better to know karate and not need it, than to need it and not know it. Embedded in all of the life lessons, physical training, and self-defense, our students find time to have a lot of fun, too.
Our system is strongly grounded in traditional Okinawan Kempo karate using forms: kata, kihon, and kumite. We also teach fundamentals in Torite Jutsu, Small Circle Jujitsu, and Brazilian Jujitsu, which complement themselves nicely for mixed martial arts training. We teach Arnis (escrima stick fighting) and the proper use of nunchucks, bowstaffs, and other weapons. In addition, we teach defense against weapons, especially knives and guns, that sadly pose a threat in our times.
Our Goal is to help your child become more confident and disciplined. We teach respect towards others, especially to family and elders. We build self-confidence, as well as strength through various aspects of martial arts.